Baseball Season "Play Ball !"
Baseball registration is now underway in the Town of Red Springs...
Download your players registration form from the Town's website and bring it with you to the Meeting to the Red Springs Community Center.
Cost for this years registration is $15.00 per player to help cover cost of insurances in conjuction with Dixie Youth Baseball franchise requirements for play and tournaments.
New also this year is the "Coaching Application" and Umpires. ALL Coaches will be required to complete an application even if you have coached in a team in the past seasons. Background checks will be completed before any coach is approved to go on the field.
The Town also has Sponsorship Applications for area and local businesses to help with the cost of the Baseball programs.
You may also contact Donell Ferguson at 910-374-5012 for more information. Town of Red Springs recreation programs may be linked to other Town/Cities or County Recreation programing where available. If you cannot attend registration please download an application from the webpage and bring it to Town Hall.
Are you ready for some BASEBALL??? We ARE!!!! Red Springs Dixie Youth Baseball (DYB) will have REGISTRATION for its 2018 SEASON on Monday, February 19, 2018 from 6:00pm until 8:00pm at the Red Springs Community Building - 122 Cross Street - Red Springs, NC 28377.
The REGISTRATION FEE for the season is $20.
Registration Forms will be available at the site of registration or online at www.redsprings.org under the Parks and Recreation tab.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mr. Brice Bell, League President (910) 322-6836 or Steven Sinclair, League Vice-President (910) 551-8491.
Also follow our FACEBOOK page @ Red Springs Dixie Youth Baseball. We hope to see you there!